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Sunday, December 19, 2010

“Just 1 Life to Live”

Human being. Life. Fate. God. Happiness. Love.

Each of these words contain so few letters from the list of alphabets of English language, but still even the best of dictionaries wont help to understand each of their exact and pure meanings. Besides their individual meanings, if we talk about connection between all of them, each one of us may have our own and a different view, but we, neither can ignore the importance of their relationship, nor can define them completely. They are infinite and divine terms carrying a divine world in them.

A Human being gets birth and ultimately a life to live. Location and Atmosphere cannot be controlled by him. Even the level of initial learning and education he receives up till an age cannot be controlled by him. We often call the thing, ‘Fate’ or ‘God’ which or who controls these for us.

But the boon that makes human being apart from other living beings is our Brain – Mind, which can connect us to our hearts and ultimately to the people and world around us. It is our brains using which we have covered the journey from hunting mans to civilized mans, and still the use of brain continues to conquer any difficult tasks, someday even overcoming God!

At an age when we get physically mature to understand things and happenings around us, or we can say, when we start using our brains, Fate or God hands over the control of our lives into our hands. Or say Fate or God go in an inactive state, and human beings gear up their brains to design their lives as per their wishes.

I have often heard people saying that everything is pre-planned, its all about our fate, we cannot change it, everything happens according to God’s will, no one can change it, you cannot own a thing which is not written in your fate.

I read a few lines in a book “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” by “Robin Sharma” -- “Life is all about choices. One’s destiny unfolds according to the choices one makes.”

If God really wanted to pre-plan things why would he give us the brains to think and hearts to feel?

Of course there are few things and a few percentages of our lives which we cannot control, but that does not mean that fate becomes the owner of our lives. Life remains a game of choices. Comparing Life to a menu of dishes, each dish may taste different with different types of ingredients in each of them. They may taste sour, sweet, bitter, spicy or even mix tastes may also be found. The taste will depend on the dish you select. Same rule is followed with our lives. The consequences or future will depend on the choices we make at a point of time. It works like a sequential process, things work in a step-by-step fashion where each previous step/choice affects the next coming step/choice.

When we use our brains and hearts to plan or design things, sometimes things may go as per plans and sometimes they may fail. Yet everything happens for a reason. Every event has a purpose and every setback its lesson. Failure, whether of the personal, professional or even spiritual kind, is essential to personal expansion. It brings inner growth and a whole host of psychic regards. Never regret your past. Rather, embrace it as the teacher that it is. Remember that the laws of nature always ensure that when one door closes another opens.

Many times it happens with many people that they fail in everything they try every time to succeed in life and get frustrated. As a consequence they blame their fates for their failure or just give up, making their own fates, the owner of their lives, wait for God’s will, and think, the things that will happen on their own will be their fates correct decisions for them. But viewing this attitude implicitly, we can notice that while taking this decision also the person is selecting a choice of life – “of letting things happen on their own”. There is no God’s will here, God did not ask you to do it, he has given you the brains to think and to decide in whatever situation you are. So I feel that nothing exist as such God’s will. The choice is yours or ours.

Also when you fail, you should take the responsibility of the failure rather finding situations or reasons to make them responsible. Every failure teaches you an another way which will not lead you to success so that you don’t use it again, just like when Thomas Edison invented the bulb, he knew 9999 ways through which the bulb will not light before lighting the bulb in his 10000th effort. Robin Sharma, the author of “The Monk who sold his Ferrari” wrote in his book –“There are no mistakes in life, only lessons. There is no thing as a negative experience, only opportunities to grow, learn and advance along the road of self-mastery. From struggle comes strength. Even pain can be a wonderful teacher.”

So when we have just one life to live,

Let’s be the owners of our lives.

As many times we fall, let’s get up and run again.

As many times we fail, let’s learn more and again.

Let’s dream and dream and dream more.

Let’s work hard and hard and very hard to make each dream come true….